Turbans collection Automnes / Hiver 2024-2025

Turbans pour cheveux, bonnets et casquettes pour femmes, hommes et enfants

En plus de sa gamme de perruques médicales, La clinique du cheveu vous propose deux collections de turbans, bonnets et casquettes : Automne/hiver et Printemps/été

Conformément à la directive européenne CEE (93/42/EEC), ces derniers sont classifiés comme dispositifs médicaux aux matières de haute qualité : bambou caretech®, caretech supima cotton®, technologie 37,5°®….

Vous préférez la douceur du bambou ou de la fibre de lait, la légèreté du lin ou encore la protection de la gamme anti-UV, vous allez pouvoir retrouver au sein de la clinique du cheveu, une gamme complète de turbans répondant à vos besoins.

Nos turbans, bonnets, casquettes et autres accessoires pour femmes​

bonnet chimio zen bambou palme dor 2000 4008 house of christine headwear

Bonnet Zen Bambou Palme d'or

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Bonnet Zen Bambou

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Bonnet Zen Bambou

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Bonnet Zen Bambou Gris Chine

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Bonnet Zen Bambou Midnight

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Bonnet Zen Bambou

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Bonnet Zen Bambou

bonnet chimio zen bambou noisette 1000 0167 house of christine headwear

Bonnet Zen Bambou Noisette

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Bonnet Zen Bambou Brownie

bonnet chimio zen bambou bleu petrole 1000 0295 house of christine headwear

Bonnet Zen Bambou Bleu Petrole

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bonnet chimio easy bambou bleu petrole 1510 0295 house of christine headwear

Bonnet Easy Bambou Bleu Petrole

bonnet chimio easy bambou bleu ardoise 1510 0168 house of christine headwear

Bonnet easy bambou bleu ardoise

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Bonnet Easy Bambou

bonnet chimio easy bambou midnight 1510 0255 house of christine headwear

Bonnet Easy Bambou Midnight

bonnet chimio easy bambou myosotis 1510 0171 house of christine headwear

Bonnet Easy Bambou Myosotis

bonnet chimio easy bambou denim 1510 0391 house of christine headwear

Bonnet Easy Bambou Denim

bonnet chimio easy bambou cocoon 1510 0320 house of christine headwear

Bonnet Easy Bambou

bonnet chimio easy bambou zenith 1418 4010 house of christine headwear

bonnet easy bambou

bonnet chimio easy bambou palme dor 1418 4008 house of christine headwear

bonnet easy bambou palme D'or

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bonnet easy bambou

bonnet chimio easy bambou ushuaia 1418 0795 house of christine headwear

bonnet easy bambou Ushuaia

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turban belise bambou jardin anglais

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turban beatrice bambou linea rossa

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turban beatrice bambou palme d'or

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turban beatrice bambou ushuaia

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bonnet lotus bambou palme d'or

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bonnet amia bambou epicea

bonnet chimio amia bambou epicea 1529 0793 house of christine headwear 2

bonnet amia bambou epicea

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bonnet amia bambou ushuaia

bonnet chimio amia bambou ushuaia 1529 0795 house of christine headwear 2

bonnet amia bambou ushuaia

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bonnet lotus bambou marinea

bonnet chimio lotus bambou matrix 1008 4007 house of christine headwear

bonnet lotus bambou matrix

bonnet chimio lotus bambou zenith 1008 4010 house of christine headwear

Bonnet Lotus Bambou Fraicheur Azur

turban chimio hindi bambou palme dor 1331 4008 house of christine headwear

turban hindi bambou palme d'or

turban chimio hindi bambou bali 1461 0394 house of christine headwear

Turban Hindi Bambou

turban chimio hindi bambou jakarta 1461 0653 house of christine headwear

Turban Hindi Bambou

turban chimio hindi bambou java 1461 0395 house of christine headwear

Turban Hindi Bambou

turban chimio fashion bambou venus 1508 0804 house of christine headwear

turban fashion bambou venus

turban chimio hindi bambou soho 1331 0884 house of christine headwear

turban hindi bambou

turban chimio fashion bambou marinea silver 1563 4009 house of christine headwear

turban fashion bambou marinea silver

bandeau chimio karma bambou midnight 1006 0255 house of christine headwear

Bandeau Bambou Karma midnight

bandeau chimio bambou karma cocoon 1006 0320 house of christine headwear

Bandeau Bambou Karma

bandeau chimio bambou karma bleu 1006 0168 house of christine headwear

Bandeau Bambou Karma

bandeau karma chimio noir 1006 0211 house of christine headwear

Bandeau Bambou Karma

bandeau chimio karma bambou noisette 1006 0167 house of christine headwear

bandeau karma bambou noisette

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bandeau karma

bandeau chimio karma nomade 1010 0816 house of christine headwear

Bandeau Bambou Karma

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Bandeau Bambou Karma

bandeau karma chimio soho 1010 0884 house of christine headwear

Bandeau Bambou Karma

turban chimio mila coton supima argile 1438 0774 house of christine headwear

Turban Mila Coton
Supima Argile

turban chimio mila coton navy 1438 0655 house of christine headwear 2

turban mila coton

turban chimio mila coton pacific 1438 0767 house of christine headwear

Turban Mila Coton

turban chimio mila coton quartz rose 1438 0845 house of christine headwear

Turban Mila Coton
Quartz Rose

turban chimio mila coton supima rouge intense 1438 0725 house of christine headwear

Turban Mila Coton
Supima Rouge Intense

turban chimio mila coton supima ebene 1438 0657 house of christine headwear

Turban Mila Coton
Supima Ebene

turban chimio mila coton supima navy 1438 0655 house of christine headwear

Turban Mila Coton
Supima Navy

turban chimio mila coton supima praline 1438 0656 house of christine headwear

Turban Mila Coton
Supima Praline

bonnet chimio zuri coton navy 1484 0655 house of christine headwear

Bonnet Zuri Coton

bonnet chimio zuri coton argile 1484 0774 house of christine headwear

Bonnet Zuri Coton

bonnet chimio zuri coton ebene 1484 0657 house of christine headwear

Bonnet Zuri Coton

bonnet chimio zuri ebene coton 1484 0657 house of christine headwear 2

bonnet zuri ebene

bonnet chimio zuri coton praline1484 0656 house of christine headwear

Bonnet Zuri Coton

bonnet chimio zuri coton rouge intense 1484 0725 house of christine headwear

Bonnet Zuri Coton
Rouge Intense

bonnet chimio nomi coton atlantis 1490 0766 house of christine headwear

bonnet nomi coton

bonnet chimio zuri navy coton 1484 0655 house of christine headwear

bonnet zuri navy

bonnet chimio nomi coton navy 1490 0655 house of christine headwear

Bonnet Nomi Coton

bonnet chimio nomi coton argile 1490 0774 house of christine headwear 2

bonnet nomi coton

bonnet chimio nomi coton ebene 1490 0657 house of christine headwear

Bonnet Nomi Coton

bonnet chimio nomi coton praline 1490 0656 house of christine headwear

Bonnet Nomi Coton

bonnet chimio nomi coton rouge intense 1490 0725 house of christine headwear

bonnet nomi coton rouge intense

bonnet chimio berrie mineral 1539 0383 house of christine headwear

Bonnet Soft Line Berrie

bonnet chimio berrie sable 1539 0844 house of christine headwear

Bonnet Soft Line Berrie

bonnet chimio berrie graphite 1539 0769 house of christine headwear

Bonnet Soft Line Berrie

bonnet chimio berrie tan 1539 0318 house of christine headwear

Bonnet Soft Line Berrie

turban chimio soft line naos sable 1291 0844 house of christine headwear

Turban Soft Line Naos

bonnet soft line chimio ankaa graphite 1293 0769 house of christine headwear

Bonnet Soft Line Ankaa

turban soft line chimio naos mineral 1291 0383 house of christine headwear

Turban Soft Line Naos

turban soft line chimio naos mineral 1291 0383 house of christine headwear 2

Bonnet Soft Line Naos

turban soft line chimio naos tan 1291 0318 house of christine headwear

Turban Soft Line Naos

turban soft line chimio naos tan 1291 0318 house of christine headwear 3

Bonnet Soft Line Naos

softline chimio ankaa tan 1293 0318 house of christine headwear 2

Bonnet Soft Line Ankaa

turban soft line chimio naos graphite 1291 0769 house of christine headwear

Turban Soft Line Naos

turban chimio naos tan 1291 0318 house of christine headwear

Turban Soft Line Naos

bonnet soft line chimio chimio ankaa mineral 1293 0383 house of christine headwear

Bonnet Soft Line Ankaa

softline chimio ankaa tan 1293 0318 house of christine headwear

Bonnet Soft Line Ankaa

poncho chimio st morritz arctique 1548 0906 house of christine headwear 2

poncho st morritz

poncho chimio st morritz chamois 1548 0907 house of christine headwear

poncho st morritz

bonnet cachemire chimio st morritz arctique 1547 0906 house of christine headwear 2

bonnet cachemire st morritz arctique

bonnet cachemire chimio st morritz chamois 1547 0907 house of christine headwear

bonnet cachemire st morritz chamois

turban chimio viva twin set urban epice 1568 4029 house of christine headwear

turban viva twinset urban epice

bonnet chimio viva woody 1537 0810 house of christine headwear

bonnet viva

bonnet chimio viva allegria 1528 0822 house of christine headwear

bonnet viva

bonnet chimio viva soft beige 1554 0899 house of christine headwear

bonnet viva soft

turban chimio viva twin set urban terracotta 1568 4006 house of christine headwear

turban viva twinset urban terracotta

turban chimio viva twin set doux trendy 1569 4021 house of christine headwear

turban viva twinset doux trendy

turban chimio viva twin set twin horizon 1555 0895 house of christine headwear

turban viva twinset twin horizon

turban viva chimio calin rose poudre 1551 4005 house of christine headwear

turban viva calin rose poudre

turban viva chimio calin terracota 1551 4004 house of christine headwear

turban viva calin

turban viva chimio twin set denim 1552 4001 house of christine headwear

turban viva twinset

turban viva chimio twin set havane 1552 4003 house of christine headwear

turban viva twinset

turban viva chimio twin set moka 1552 4000 house of christine headwear

turban viva twinset

turban viva chimio twin set rose poudre 1552 4005 house of christine headwear

turban viva twinset rose poudre

turban viva chimio twin set terracota 1552 4004 house of christine headwear

turban viva twinset terracota

bonnet chimio viva calin deep black 1551 4006 house of christine headwear

bonnet viva calin deep black

turban viva chimio calin denim 1551 4001 house of christine headwear

turban viva calin

turban viva chimio calin havane 1551 4003 house of christine headwear

turban viva calin

turban viva chimio calin moka 1551 4000 house of christine headwear

turban viva calin

bonnet chimio boho spirit milano 3044 0903 house of christine headwear 3

bonnet boho spirit

bonnet chimio boho spirit brazilia 3038 0811 house of christine headwear

Bonnet Boho Spirit

bonnet chimio boho spirit queen 3044 0902 house of christine headwear

Bonnet Lotus Bambou Fraicheur Azur

bonnet chimio boho spirit claire de lune 3047 4020 house of christine headwear

bonnet boho spirit claire de lune

turban chimio boho spirit origine 3036 0867 house of christine

turban boho spirit

turban chimio boho spirit portofino 3039 0887 house of christine headwear

turban boho spirit portofino

bonnet chimio boho scarlett spirit murano 3045 4032 house of christine headwear

bonnet boho scarlett spirit murano

bonnet chimio boho scarlett spirit vetiver 3026 0802 house of christine headwear

bonnet boho scarlett spirit vetiver

bonnet chimio boho twin set spirit tivoli 3040 0892 house of christine headwear

bonnet boho twinset spirit tivoli

bonnet chimio boho twin set spirit vienne 3042 4019 house of christine headwear

bonnet boho twinset spirit vienne

turban chimio boho spirit reverie 3030 0744 house of christine headwear

turban boho spirit

turban chimio boho spirit valentino 3036 0828 house of christine headwear

turban boho spirit valentino

turban chimio boho spirit twin set ritual 3040 0832 house of christine headwear

turban boho spirit twinset ritual

casquette chimio boho spirit mademoiselle 3021 0826 house of christine headwear

casquette boho spirit mademoiselle

bonnet chimio boho twin set spirit zanzibar 3040 0831 house of christine headwear

bonnet boho twinset spirit zanzibar

bonnet chimio boho twin set spirit zebra 3041 0889 house of christine headwear

bonnet boho twinset spirit zebra

chapeau chimio boho spirit first lady 3049 4033 house of christine headwear

chapeau boho spirit first lady

casquette chimio boho spirit n5 3028 0825 house of christine headwear

casquette boho

casquette chimio boho spirit N5 3028 0825 house of christine headwear 2

casquette boho

Nos bonnets et caquettes pour hommes

bonnet chimio homme bleu intense 1378 0555 house of christine headwear

bonnet homme bleu intense

bonnet chimio homme guest cool max 1143 0211 house of christine headwear

bonnet homme guest cool max

bonnet chimio homme 37.5 tan 1344 0318 house of christine headwear

bonnet homme 37.5

bonnet chimio homme greg gris chine 1294 0509 house of christine headwear

bonnet homme greg gris chine

Nos bonnets et bandeaux pour enfants

bonnet chimio puppy meeko 1427 0266 christine headwear

Bonnet Puppy Meeko

bonnet chimio bunny petit navire 1364 0555 christine headwear

Bonnet Bunny Petit Navire

bandeau chimio flamingo mistigri 1399 0625 christine headwear

Bandeau Flamingo Mistigri

bandeau chimio swan mistigris 1429 0625 christine headwear

Bandeau Swan Mistigris

bandeau chimio petite kitty barbe a papa 1474 0551 christine headwear

Bandeau Petite Kitty
Barbe à papa

bandeau chimio petite kitty guimauve 1474 0609 christine headwear

Bandeau Petite Kitty

bandeau chimio petite chick barbe a papa 1473 0551 christine headwear

Bandeau Petite Chick
Barbe à papa

bandeau chimio petite chick guimauve 1473 0609 christine headwear

Bandeau Petite Chick

Notre gamme Essentiels​

base chimio bambou chair 1007 0248 house of christine headwear

base bambou chair

base chimio bambou dark 1007 0396 house of christine headwear

base bambou dark

base chimio anti derapante chair 1448 0628 house of christine headwear

base anti derapante chair

debardeur chimio 37.5 chair 1450 0628 house of christine headwear

débardeur 37.5 chair

volumateur chimio de turban chair 1220 0628 house of christine headwear

volumateur de turban chair

volumateur chimio de turban chair 1220 0628 house of christine headwear 4

volumateur de turban chair

swim cap chimio bleu gris 1033 0331 house of christine headwear

swim cap bleu

swim cap chimio cerise 1033 0330 house of christine headwear

swim cap

swim cap chimio marine 1033 0383 house of christine headwear

swim cap

night cap chimio bambou brownie 1189 0084 house of christine headwear

night cap bambou

night cap chimio bambou cocoon 1189 0320 house of christine headwear

night cap bambou

night cap chimio bambou denim 1189 0391 house of christine headwear

night cap bambou

night cap chimio bambou noisette 1189 0169 house of christine headwear

night cap bambou

halo hair mi long 2

halo hair mi

accessoire chimio hair grip light tan 1498 0719 house of christine headwear

accessoire hair grip light tan

frange chimio elite hair international

frange elite hair international

basic coton bleu canard 54 ss24

Essentiel Basic Coton
Bleu Canard

basic coton bleu petrole 51 ss24

Essentiel Basic Coton
Bleu Petrole

basic coton navy 110 ss24

Essentiel Basic Coton

basic coton gris ardoise 71 ss24

Essentiel Basic Coton
Gris Ardoise

basic coton prune 73 ss24

Essentiel Basic Coton

basic coton rose ballerine 33 ss24

Essentiel Basic Coton
Rose Ballerine

basic coton taupe 36 ss24

Essentiel Basic Coton

Nous contacter pour plus d'informations


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Mardi 9h30 à 12h00 - 14h00 à 18h30
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